Inspections pursuant to BOKraft §§ 41, 42
Vehicles subject to paid passenger transport
The Regulation on the Operation of Passenger Car Companies, or BOKraft for short, is of fundamental importance to taxi and car rental companies.
Among other things, it includes provisions for the equipment of certain motor vehicles used for paid passenger transport. The operation of the company as well as the equipment and condition of the vehicles must meet the special requirements arising from the confidence in safe and proper transport. BOKraft thus regulates the operation of a transport undertaking and defines the minimum requirements (equipment and condition) for occasional motor vehicles and regular/ intercity bus services.
On behalf of the KÜS we offer as services in the context of paid passenger transport:
§ 42 BOKraft
Extraordinary main inspection
Before the first start-up in a company, the entrepreneur must arrange an extraordinary main inspection of the vehicle and submit to the approval authority the investigation report and, in the case of a bus and coach, the inspection book.
§ 41 BOKraft
Recurring main inspection
In the recurrent main inspection according to § 29StVZO also by the test engineer to determine whether the vehicle meets the requirements of BO-force. The badge allocation takes place here only for one year. Following main inspections, the contractor must submit a copy of the investigation report, the inspection book in the case of buses, and the approval authority or the authority designated by the regional government without delay.